Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Golf Charity at Work

I don't normally link to things that aren't directly golf related, but this seemed too good to pass up here. An Ottawa native without a physics background may - and I emphasize MAY - have developed a perpetual motion machine and will have audience with a MIT expert in the field of electromagnetics to show his invention.

What's the potential impact if this turns out to be true?

It's a pivotal moment. The invention, at its very least, could moderately improve the efficiency of induction motors, used in everything from electric cars to ceiling fans. At best it means a way of tapping the mysterious powers of electromagnetic fields to produce more work out of less effort, seemingly creating electricity from nothing.

Such an unbelievable invention would challenge the laws of physics, a no-no in the rigid world of serious science. Imagine a battery system in an all-electric car that can be recharged almost exclusively by braking and accelerating, or what Heins calls "regenerative acceleration."

No charging from the grid. No assistance from gasoline. No cost of fuelling up. No way, say the skeptics.

What in the hell does this have to do with golf?

Others want to believe – or at least help out. Cunningham, whose brother is general manager at Angus Glen Golf Club, introduced Heins to the club's president, Kevin Thistle. For two years Thistle has acted as angel investor, providing start-up capital needed to incorporate Potential Difference, file patents and continue research.
The host of last year's Canadian Open made this potentially amazing discovery happen. With a potentially HUGE ROI.

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